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  • Writer's pictureOzzie Adenborg

Time is up for Heavy Horsens...

Here in Sweden Summer is at its peak so it feels wrong talking about the end, but this is a friendly heads-up that the Pretty Maids exhibition at Horsens Museum is closing on August 14. All good things has to come to an end, and unfortunately this exhibition is no exception.

It is safe to say, this opportunity will not return. The items on display are borrowed from at least 10 different people/collections. Ronnie Atkins will sell his stage clothes that are displayed in favour for the Children's Cancer Foundation and with that, they will not be shown together in public again.

I will be in Horsens during the last week and if you want a guided tour with anecdotes please let me know. I am also planning on doing a live stream for those who couldn't make it to the museum because of travelling restrictions. Keep an eye on the event section on facebook, for updated information.

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Lary KIng
Lary KIng
4 days ago

Hej på er. är imponerande med sitt enorma antal unika erotiska berättelser. Mer än 27.500 berättelser, som skapas av användarna själva, gör webbplatsen verkligen speciell. Det finns nya berättelser varje dag, så det finns alltid något intressant. Det är fantastiskt att du kan kommentera och diskutera dina favoritberättelser med andra användare. Allt är tillgängligt utan registrering - snabbt och bekvämt!

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